πετυχαίνουν κάτι...και δεν φτάνει που η βλακεία τους χτυπάει κόκκινο...βγαίνουν και πανηγυρίζουν και από τις Σκοπιανές ιστοσελίδες πως κάτι έκαναν...
διαβάστε παρακάτω και θα καταλάβετε

Η είδηση από το σκοπιανό site http://macedoniaonline.eu/
30.8.08 A Group going by the name of "Macedonian Cyber Elite" hacked into numerous Greek Websites, late last night. In its text, apart from the picture of the old Macedonian flag, there is the following message: "This message is in the Macedonian language, because You are our offspring and we know you understand it. It is time for you to stop your hot headed stubbornness, we don’t understand with what aim you seek something that has never been yours. We don’t know how far you will go, however we believe not very far because we are aware for a long time, and today we are ready to confront and destroy anything in our way. By nature we are very calm people, but not naďve, and will not let history repeat… We are ready at all times to respond virtually and in reality. Our actions will only increase if you don’t change your policy, and you are well aware what you need to do… Understand this as an advice for a better future and better relations." says in the message translated from Macedonian. Also on August 27, the "Macedonian Cyber Elite" took down the website of Greek PM Kostas Caramanlis. His site wasn't available for most of the day. These are some of the sites that were hacked, some of them still have not managed to remove the message from the MCE. www.gipapamanolis.gr, www.brano.gr/shopping, www.aerodromia.com, www.zante-guide.com/zakynthos.
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