Το πρακτορείο αναφέρει ότι έθεσε συνεχή ερωτήματα στην οικογένεια Μπόμπολα τα οποία στην αρχή δεν απαντήθηκαν ενώ παράλληλα το...
...Έθνος δημοσίευε εχθρικά ρεπορτάζ κατά του Reuters.
Παραθέτω το σχετικό απόσπασμα:
George Bobolas did not initially respond to questions about his family's various interests. Instead, his newspaper Ethnos published several articles in the days after Reuters submitted questions to him. One alleged that Reuters "continues, it seems, to target our country, the Greek economy and entrepreneurship." Another described Reuters as a "fifth column" for the troika and alleged that Athens was being flooded by foreigners out to "undertake the demolition of public figures according to Anglo-Saxon practices."
After a further request from Reuters, Bobolas said in a letter: "I have never used the media owned by companies in which I participate, for the promotion of interests of the holding company Ellaktor S.A. ... Newspaper Ethnos has never used influence or asked any favors from rulers, for the benefit of Ellaktor."
Bobolas said former prime ministers could verify he had never asked for any favors and added: "One could say that Ethnos' severe judgment on governmental actions and politicians in general, could be considered as obstacle and not help to Ellaktor's corporate interests".
In a written statement, construction firm Ellaktor said its subsidiaries engage in both private and public contracts, and that it pursues public contracts "by participating exclusively in open international tenders, in accordance with Greek and European legislation."
Με λίγα λόγια, ο Μπόμπολας δηλώνει ότι ουδέποτε χρησιμοποίησε τα ΜΜΕ ιδιοκτησίας του για να πιέσει τις ελληνικές κυβερνήσεις να δώσουν έργα στις κατασκευαστικές του εταιρίες.
Χαχα, γελάσαμε και σήμερα.