Σας παραθέτουμε την προκήρυξη διαγωνισμού του τμήματος Μεταταφορών του Αμερικανικού Στρατού για μεταφορά πολεμοφοδίων στο λιμάνι Ashdod του Ισραήλ μέσω του Αστακού...
Η Ντόρα Μπακογιάννη διαψέυδει την είδηση . Θα διαψέυσει και τα επίσημα αρχεία του Αμερικανικού στρατού ;
31 December 2008
This is the Military Sealift Command, Sealift Program Management Office, Washington, DC
Subj: RFP N00033-09-R-5205
Ref: (a) SF1449

(b) MSC DRYVOY 02 (12-02/1-02)
MSC Sealift Program Management Office, Code PM5, requests proposals for vessel(s) capable of meeting the transportation requirements described below. The paragraph numbers below apply to the box layout of references (a) and (b), which are incorporated herein by reference (available on the MSC web site at http://www.msc.navy.mil, under “Contracts,” then “Proforma,” or upon request), and shall be the charter form of any contract resulting from this solicitation. By submission of a proposal, the offeror confirms agreement with all terms and conditions of this solicitation and the charter form, unless otherwise identified therein.
Funds are not currently available for this procurement. In the event funds remain unavailable, this procurement will be cancelled without an award being made.
I. Standard Form 1449 Boxes
5. Solicitation No.: N00033-09-R-5205
6. Solicitation Issue Date: 31 December 2008
7. Solicitation POC: Stephen Hughes, Tel: 202-685-5380, E-mail: stephen.t.hughes@navy.mil
8. Offer Due Date: 06 January 2009 @ 1000 EST
9. Issued By: Military Sealift Command, Sealift Program Management Office, PM5, Bldg. 210, Rm. 275, 914 Charles Morris Court SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20398-5540;
Fax: (202) 685-5852 or Alternate (202) 685-5850
10. This Acquisition is: UNRESTRICTED
14. Method of Solicitation: RFP
18a. Payment will be made by: DFAS-INDIANAPOLIS, P.O. Box 26287, Indianapolis, IN 46226-0287
18b. Submit invoices to: Commander, Military Sealift Command (N86), Bldg. 157, 914 Charles Morris Court SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20398-5540
1. Vessel(s) Required: Request US or foreign flag container vessel (coaster) to move approximately 168 TEU's in each of two consecutive voyages both containing ammunition. In accordance with the Cargo Preference Act of 1904 and Section IIIA.3 of the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) (see 69 FEDERAL REGISTER 62898, Nov 7, 2007, or most current reference), preference will be given to U.S. flag vessels and VISA participants.
2. Cargo Description:
Standard 20 ft containers.
Voyage 1 Cargo(Astakos-Ashdod): 157 TEU's, NEW 971,575.9
Voyage 2 Cargo(Astakos-Ashdod): 168 TEU's, NEW 973,164.3
HAZ CLASSES: 1.1D, 1.2.1C, 1.2.2H, 1.2.2E, 1.2.2D, 1.3C, and 1.4G
Note: Contractor will have to provide Fire Tugs support at both the Load and Discharge Ports.
2a. Load: Free In
2b. Discharge: Free Out
3. Load Ports: Astakos, Greece
4. Laytime: Four (8) Days SSHINC
5. Discharge Ports: Ashdod, Israel
6. Laydays: Commencing: 15 January 2009
Canceling: 16 January 2009